Monday, May 19, 2014

Root Nokia X X+ XL Without PC

Nokia X X+ and XL is Nokia Smartphone in Android OS . its Android Jellybean Version but In Nokia Is on Nokia X Platform . Because Nokia is Develop Android from AOSP so it has not Google service Installed.

1. This is step by step how to Root Nokia X X+ and XL? Please watch tutorial video below before go to the next step :

See the tutorial Video HERE

2. Download Framaroot 1.9.1

Monday, April 28, 2014

Repair Motorola Bluetooth Axioo Neon HNM OS Windows 8.1

Motorola not release bluetooth driver for windows 8.1 . when it used driver for windows 7. its works but not perfectly. example not add auto start up app in system tray from registry.
my laptop vendor Axioo is not release update driver for windows 8.1. but we can still search update driver and works even though driver for windows 7. 

Repair Motorola Bluetooth Axioo Neon HNM OS Windows 8.1

So you can follow this tutorial how to repair its. on video tutorial Here !

Download file below