Monday, May 20, 2013

Desktop GARUDA OS Distro Linux V 1.1.5 ISO File

Desktop GARUDA OS Distro Linux V 1.1.5 ISO File

Garuda OS is a Linux distribution based on PCLinuxOS Fullmonty Indonesian Edition developers made ​​use of document formats that support SNI (Indonesian National Standard), safe from computer viruses, high stability, with support for Indonesian and equipped with programs from various categories. Can be obtained for free without having to pay for the purchase of a license.

  • Core (kernel Linux) operating system:
  • Desktop: KDE 4.6.3
  • Support VGA driver (Nvidia, ATI, Intel, etc.)
  • Wireless support for many network devices
  • Support local or network printer device
  • Support for popular multimedia formats (flv, mp4, avi, mov, mpg, mp3, wma, wav, ogg, etc ...)
  • Support Indonesian and English and 60 other world languages ​​(Japanese, Arabic, Korean, Indian, Chinese, etc ...)
  • Support for the installation of a wide range of application programs and games (online) based Windows
  • Support for a variety of documents from the popular Windows-based programs (such as Photoshop, CorelDraw, MS Office, AutoCAD, etc.)
  • Font support script Indonesia.
  • Support Google Web Fonts.
Trailer :

  1. Burn ISO file to CD or DVD With POWER ISO or UltraISO
  2. Boot from your DVD or CD
  3. Install to Your PC
  4. Enjoy !!!
This is ISO file You Must Install Ultra ISO in your PC

SIZE: 3.62 GB
Desktop GARUDA OS Distro Linux V 1.1.5 ISO File

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Blackberry messenger will be available for iPhone and Android Soon

Give up the BlackBerry instant messaging service BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) is available on Android and iOS devices in mid-2013. The question is when the exact date of the arrival of fuel at both the operating system? BlackBerry CEO Thorsten Heins promises that application will be released in July 2013.

 To clarify the information to prospective users who are curious, BlackBerry makes specific website pages that give information about the arrival of BBM app on Android and can visit his website by clicking on this link . By entering the address of e-mail , you will receive information arrival fuel applications. "Be the first to know when there is fuel in the Android and iOS," wrote the BlackBerry in the web site. 

Later, the application can run on iOS BBM version 6 or above and Android version 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) to the top. Android and iOS users can use BBM to send text messages, photos, voice notes, chatted with a few people, and create a discussion group contains 30 contacts. messages sent will be marked "D", while messages that have been read are marked with "R . " Android and iOS users can add BBM contacts via PIN, e-mail, or by scanning the QR code.

 In the future, plans to enrich the features of BlackBerry BBM on Android and iOS with the presenting feature BBM Voice, Video BBM, and BBM Channel. BlackBerry said, Fuel is now used by 60 million monthly active users. More than 51 million people use BBM on average 90 minutes per day.Overall, every day, there are 10 billion messages sent and received fuel customers. BlackBerry claims this number twice as many of the messages sent and received another instant messaging application.

Google Accuses Microsoft Block Ads on Youtube Application

Google Accuses Microsoft Block Ads on Youtube Application

Microsoft has released a YouTube app for Windows Phone 8 a week ago, but I've asked for the software in question be withdrawn from circulation. Why? As quoted from Pocket-Lint , in an official letter that was sent to Microsoft, Google accused the software giant had violated provisions of the Application Programming Interface (API) YouTube by not serving ads through a homemade application.

 "By blocking ads and allow users to download videos, applications of artificial Microsoft cut off sources of revenue and harm ecosystems creators emerging YouTube, "Google wrote in the letter. ads are Google's main source of income. The partners are also relying on YouTube AdSense program to earn income. Objections include video download feature provided by YouTube application that Microsoft's Windows Phone and Google did not obtain consent before installing the program in the Windows marketplace. answering Microsoft Microsoft itself has issued an official statement about this and replied that it was because the ad blocking Google's "do not provide the necessary APIs". 

"YouTube became one of the most downloaded apps by smartphone users on any platform, but Google refused to cooperate with us to create applications that are as good as any other platform ... We would gladly enter the ad, but I have to give access to the required APIs, "wrote Microsoft. Answers Microsoft was once responded to criticism of Google's founders Larry Page at the conference Google I / O Wednesday (5/15/2013) ago, in which he alleges that Microsoft has used Google GTalk support to put in the e-mail but do not do just the opposite by providing API access to Microsoft's own messaging software (Skype). 

APIs YouTube itself is actually not needed in order to display advertisements. Microsoft allegedly wanted to make a YouTube application in accordance with the concept of "tiles" of Windows Phone 8, and to do this it requires the software giant "API" in the form of a YouTube video metadata.