Monday, April 28, 2014

Repair Motorola Bluetooth Axioo Neon HNM OS Windows 8.1

Motorola not release bluetooth driver for windows 8.1 . when it used driver for windows 7. its works but not perfectly. example not add auto start up app in system tray from registry.
my laptop vendor Axioo is not release update driver for windows 8.1. but we can still search update driver and works even though driver for windows 7. 

Repair Motorola Bluetooth Axioo Neon HNM OS Windows 8.1

So you can follow this tutorial how to repair its. on video tutorial Here !

Download file below

Friday, April 25, 2014

Create USB Bootable Installer windows 7, 8, 8.1 For UEFI

This tutorial will show you how to create a Windows 7 or Windows 8 or 8.1 installation bootable USB flash drive for UEFI from either a Windows 7 or Windows 8/8.1 installation ISO or DVD


  • At least a 4GB USB flash drive
  • 64-bit Windows 7 ISO or DVD (If you want to install Windows 7)
  • 64-bit Windows 8 ISO or DVD (If you want to install Windows 8)
  • 64-bit Windows 8.1 ISO or DVD (If you want to install Windows 8.1)
  • 32-bit is not supported. 
How to :
Download rufus latest version

How to Disable Secure Boot and UEFI Boot Mode

UEFI ( Unified Extention Firmware Interface) is called replaced Bios the function is more advantage than BIOS. UEFI is commonly used for OS in 64 bit on GPT partition and OS 32 bit is not supported by any vendor laptop.because now they are not give the drivers in 32 bit OS
How to Disable Secure Boot and UEFI Boot Mode
if you want to install OS 32 bit on MBR partition, you must disable UEFI boot and secure boot first. please follow the tutorial video below

How to Enable UEFI Boot Mode and Secure Boot

UEFI (replaces BIOS) has a firmware validation process, called secure boot, which is defined in Chapter 27 of the UEFI 2.3.1 specification. Secure boot defines how platform firmware manages security certificates, validation of firmware, and a definition of the interface (protocol) between firmware and the operating system. Secure boot prevents “unauthorized” operating systems and software from loading during the startup process.

Please follow tutorial on Video below !
I am use Toshiba satellite C50-A.

Monday, April 14, 2014

How to Backup Restore and Manage Android App

Google Play Store have thousands of applications to a wide variety of categories that can be downloaded by Android users around the world . Whether it's a free or paid services, each eligible application to try. For example only, for applications that can save battery power at Play Store could total more than one even decades . And sometimes we as Android users , do not complete it's like to try just one application alone without comparing other applications and then determine whether or not the application is appropriate .

it feels like a hassle if you need to perform the installation reorder because of course will make the application of the quota twice larger internet . To prevent that , you can use the application AppMonster working to create a backup application that you install and store them in your cell phone memory .

To begin , download AppMonster on Google Play Store

This application is also available in the paid version with a more complete feature

When the installation is done , open the application AppMonster . Then select the application which you wish to backup her . Application file will be saved in the format . Apk .

AppMonster can also be applied when you want to do a factory reset your cell phone and do not want to re-download the app before you install it. You only live copy the application to your PC or laptop and then put back in second after the factory reset .

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

What is a BitCoin and How to Get It ?

What is a BitCoin and How to Get It ?
BitCoin is a virtual currency that can be used for online transactions . Unlike BitCoin currency in general , BitCoin is not dependent on the person , entity or country that acts as a controller of the currency . BitCoin uses a distributed database and spread to the nodes of a P2P network to journal transactions , and uses cryptography to provide functions - basic security functions , such as ensuring that the BitCoin - BitCoin can only be spent by the people who have it , and should not be done more than once .
When asked how this form of currency , which clearly shaped not like a physical currency issued by a bank nor a currency of a country . The shape of this unique currency is simply a file like ordinary general files .

The file is an encryption of a unique code that makes it not the same with each other . And as mp3 files or word that you have on your computer device , BitCoin files can also be stored in a computer or a flash drive or a software called BitCoin Digital Wallet . Besides BitCoin can also be stored in BitCoin storage services on the Internet in the form of social withdrawal cloud .

In short BitCoin is an electronic currency that is based on the most recent technology and started an option in lieu of gold . BitCoin itself is made from a combination of various technologies of cryptografi , economic and network to form a program that consists of a network of peer - to-peer solid and almost impossible to attack , technological or rather a new currency is called cryptocurrency . BitCoin is ultimately serves as currency .

According to some sources , the history of the birth BitCoin began in 2007 . A computer expert system tries to develop a new model of virtual currency which is not at all bound by any party or authority . The man named Satoshi Nakamoto . Men from the Japanese claim to develop BitCoin for 2 years and started to take it off in the internet world in 2009 and eventually spread to the present .

However, there are some experts who claim that the inventor is a fictitious name and no real person with that name . There are some experts who claim that BitCoin currency is something that is made ​​by a person or group of people who really want to create a new perception in the world of online transactions . And the ultimate goal is of course to take advantage .

Now I will share how to get BitCoin for FREE , but before getting BitCoin , you must have a place to store BitCoin wallet that you get . To make BitCoin wallet , please follow these instructions on Video below :

Open Blockchain site or click HERE

Monday, April 7, 2014

CPUZ Check Hardware Spesification PC

CPUZ Check Hardware Spesification PCWhat is CPU-Z

CPU-Z is a freeware that gathers information on some of the main devices of your system.
  • Name and number.
  • Core stepping and process.
  • Package.
  • Core voltage.
  • Internal and external clocks, clock multiplier.
  • Supported instruction sets.
  • Cache information.
  • Vendor, model and revision.
  • BIOS model and date.
  • Chipset (northbridge and southbridge) and sensor.
  • Graphic interface.
  • Frequency and timings.
  • Module(s) specification using SPD (Serial Presence Detect) : vendor, serial number, timings table.
  • Windows and DirectX version.
How to installation and configuration?
 Please watch the video below

Where is download link ?

Link download below