Monday, August 5, 2013

Distro Hackintosh Niresh 12495 Mountain Lion 10.8.2 ISO Torrent File

Niresh 10.8.2 (Free): Niresh is a "distro" of OS X Mountain Lion that has been modified to work with PCs. I won't go into details, but you can download it from just about any bittorrent website by using a bittorrent client (it's a little less than 5 GB in size).
Niresh's OS X 10.8.2
USB and DvD 4.3/4.7 Bootable

Hackintosh Install OS X On Any Computer Including AMD CPUs

Install and Use The Best Operating System on The World
OS X Mountain Lion By Apple

Installation Requirements
64bit Capable CPU
10 GB + Free Space
1GB + Ram

Other Installation Instructions are Included on The Torrent It Self

This is torrent File Best Speed, You must Install uTorrnet For your PC

Size:4.36 GB
Nero V9.2.5.0 for Windows Full Version