Thursday, October 17, 2013

How to Add Google Plus Comments In Blogger

After renewing blogger template HTML editor , it seems Google has released more enhancements ready to be the front runner, and this time appear with Google+ Comments for bloggers. A different comment system, not only can create a stronger bond with your readers but is also expected to increase user engagement G+. How did that work? Continue to read, I will show how the performance of this system in blogger Comments Google+

Just what features Google+ System Comments?

Well now we will discuss every aspect of Google+ Comments, so bloggers can decide whether to keep faith with threaded comment system or they should switch to a new comment system today.

  • Interactive interface : Comments appear in a systematic order by date of issue up to the user to answer or give a plus 1 with ease. You can control your friends say because of the interactive and direct update.
  • Public or Special : Now your readers can post their comments publicly or privately to the people in their G+ circles or otherwise, when people are browsing they can see these comments.
  • All activities in one place: Every time someone would share the content on Google+ or they will respond, it will automatically display their comments on comments on your blog feed. For example, if there is discussion happening about your content on Google+ those comments, reply all will appear on your blog.
  • Edit or Delete Comments:   You can now edit or delete your comment. Through Google+ flexibility option you can easily edit or delete them anytime, anywhere. You can not be serious, right?
How, interested adds Google+ Comments on your blog?

The first thing you need to do would be to first connect bloggers with your Google+ profile. Once you've linked your account. 
  • On the Dashboard -> Click on Google+
  • Google Plus now to activate your Comments should check the small box beside the text ' Use Google+ comments on this blog '
  • Done.
Do not see the changes? Chances are you using a custom template and need to follow the following additional steps:

  • On the Dashboard -> Click the Templates tab -> Edit HTML -> Format Template
  • Click Dropdown jump to the widget -> Blog1
  • Click the arrows on the folding code  id='post'
  • Find the code    then copy and paste the following code below it:

  • Save the template and see the result you Blogged. Or see a demo commentary here
If you activate the Google Plus system Comments on the blog so anyone wishing to post comments must register to G+ account. Activate this system will not delete your old comments.