Friday, October 18, 2013

How to Remove Shortcut Virus With Powerful

How to remove shortcut virus will really help you are confused faces shortcuts shortcut that keeps popping up on your computer. Shortcuts shortcut that recur despite having removed it is very dangerous and can damage your computer if the system is working continuously ignored. By way of removing shortcut virus you can avoid danger reinstall the PC that will delete all of your valuable data.In addition, you can also improve the performance of your computer and laptop. Therefore, in this post will discuss how to remove shortcut virus  that exist on your computer.
how to remove shortcut virus

How to Delete Shortcut Virus - The Virus Working Mode

To perform virus removal shortcut properly, we need to know first, how exactly is this shortcut virus infects our computer. Here's the knowledge that you know the peril before knowing how to remove virus shortcut:
  • The first thing done is so infecting virus is making base in My Document. Its base file named database.mdb.
  • The virus would then create the file autorun.inf file on each partition includes the embedded flash.
  • The virus would then create a file thumb.db (original files from a computer named thumbs.db)
  • Next, create a file this virus which, when executed, will immediately activate the virus.
If your computer has been infected with this virus, the task will manage look no wscript.exe process is running. Supposedly, no process is in a state of normal.Memang computer is pretty easy to identify the virus as compared with the clean up and recover files that have been infected.

How to Delete Shortcut Virus - Step By Step to Eradicate

After learning how the virus infects, it is time to know how to remove shortcut virus  that good performance can be obtained again:
  • The first step in how to remove shortcut virus is turn off System Restore on your computer.
  • Turn off the process that is being run by viruses: wscript.exe using Process Explorer or HijackThis software
  • Delete file in My Documents database.mdb
  • Delete all the files that have been copied virus.
The final step in removing shortcut virus is to delete all files that have been installed virus autorun.inf in each partition. You can do this with HijackThis software
The steps above are the basic steps of troubleshooting removing shortcut virus on computer.However, this method can also be used as a way of removing shortcut virus in pendrive pendrive infected because basically this firus result of being connected to a computer virus. way to remove virus shortcut   for flash not unlike the steps used untukmenghilangkan shortcut virus on computer.
Once you get rid of viruses that interfere shortcut, you can perform a variety of activities on the computer more comfortable and aman.Memang prevent viruses from attacking your computer is not as easy as imagined. Contact with an infected flash internet and can be a way of intruder viruses.Therefore, in addition to learning how to remove shortcut virus, you should also protect your computer with an antivirus program that is reliable and trustworthy. Thus, your computer has a higher resistance to face the attack of viruses and worms.  now you no longer need to go to a computer service to clean the computer of a virus because you have to know how to remove virus shortcut that will help you be free from interference viruses shortcut which interfere with the performance of your computer.
Overview on little information on  how to remove shortcut virus , may be useful. Thank you